With special thanks to His Excellency Archbishop Roger L. Schwietz, O.M.I., Father Francis Hung Le, O.P., and Father Vincent Kelber, O.P., we have the green light for the Sunday celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite (High Mass) at Holy Family Cathedral.
Rumor has it that we will begin on Saturday evenings at 7:30PM, hopefully by the first Sunday in Advent. Much depends on finishing the improvements to the Education Center and moving some schedules around. In the meantime, we need servers and a schola cantorum. If you are interested, contact Father Vincent at Holy Family Cathedral at 276-3455.
Rumor has it that we will begin on Saturday evenings at 7:30PM, hopefully by the first Sunday in Advent. Much depends on finishing the improvements to the Education Center and moving some schedules around. In the meantime, we need servers and a schola cantorum. If you are interested, contact Father Vincent at Holy Family Cathedral at 276-3455.
This is GREAT NEWS!!! Now let's work on getting a monthly one down on the Kenai?
Yeeha! God be praised!
Could someone please confirm this news? I contacted the Cathedral and the Secretary there knew nothing about it.
Dear PKTP:
I can confirm it's true. There are some practical matters that need attending to, and those will hopefully be resolved by the first Sunday in Advent. Stay tuned...
Dominus Vobiscum
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